I'm Elektra. I have been a stripper for over 25 years, but I've done very little dancing.
I'm going to teach you how to become a good stripper in this course. I will refer you to people, places, & sites that can teach you to dance, if that is what your interested in.
When I say I'm going to teach you to be a good stripper that means many things, but probably none of the things you would ask about. Being a “Stripper” is a business. “Stripping” is something you do in that business, but it is a very small part of the whole.
No, pole dancing does not make you a good stripper. It can be completely irrelevant to being a good stripper. I know a lot of pole dancers are going to disagree with me, but some will agree. There are a lot of of amazing pole dancers out there that aren't strippers. As well as some strippers, that are amazing pole dancers. One does not necessarily make you good at the other.
I will explain a lot of these things to help you understand this throughout these courses. You will soon understand what I mean. You may also decide you don't need my help & go to a pole class!
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